Stars Stripes and Smiles

Sponsorships available!

Superstar Sponsor $2500+

Premier placement full page ad (5″w x 8″h) in the post-celebration tribute book, special recognition, 30 second on-screen video ad during the online event, your name or company listed during the online event.

Star Sponsor $1500+

Full page ad (5″w x 8″h) in the post-celebration tribute book, your name or company listed during the online event.

Stripe Sponsor $1000+

Full page black and white ad (5″w x 8″h) in the post-celebration tribute book, your name or company listed during the online event.

Smile Sponsor $500+

Half page black and white ad (5″w x 3.75″h) in the post-celebration tribute book, your name or company listed during the online event.

Spirit Sponsor $250+

Quarter page (text only) ad (2.5″w x 3.75″h) in the post-celebration tribute book, your name or company listed during the online event.

Sparkler Sponsor $100+

Your name or company listed in the post-celebration tribute book and during the online event.

Your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed by the law.
501(c)3 Tax ID# 51-0161675